Ian is a Distinguished R&D Staff member in the Reactor Physics Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He joined ORNL in 1999 and led development of the ORIGEN isotope generation and decay code and associated nuclear data libraries until 2014. He is actively engaged in international experimental programs to acquire data for code validation in the areas of decay heat using calorimeter measurements performed in Sweden and destructive radiochemical assay data from several domestic and international projects, and in applications of the code for reactor safety analysis under projects of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the US Department of Energy (DOE). He has spearheaded safeguards projects to integrate ORIGEN for automated analysis of spent fuel Fork detector measurements in support of Euratom and IAEA nuclear inspections and for final verification measurements at repositories, has led projects on nuclear fuel isotopic analyses and nuclear data uncertainties for the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), and supported spent fuel analysis for the DOE Next-Generation Safeguards Initiative spent fuel project. Prior to joining ORNL, Ian worked 14 years with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, where he led activities to develop and standardize computer codes and nuclear data for spent fuel analysis for the Canadian nuclear industry. Ian chairs the ANSI ANS-5.1 working group on Decay Heat Power for Light Water Reactors that prepared and issued the ANSI/ANS-5.1-2014 standard. He has chaired the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency Expert Group on Assay Data for Spent Nuclear Fuel since 2009 and is coordinating activities for the development and review of an expanded version of the Spent Fuel Composition Database (SFCOMPO) to be released in 2016. Ian has a Master’s degree in Physics from McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario, Canada.
2013: ORNL Significant Event Award for "Development of Technical Basis for NRC Regulatory Guidance to Enable Expanded Utilization of High-Capacity Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Systems," Team; J. Scaglione, G. Radulescu, I. Gauld, D. Mueller, G. Ilas, W. Marshall, J. Wagner.
2011: ORNL Significant Event Award for "Support to DOE in response to crisis at Fukushima Dai-ichi damaged reactors".
2011: ORNL Significant Event Award for "Analysis of Experimental Data for High Burnup PWR Spent Fuel Isotopic Validation," Team: I. Gauld, G. Ilas.
2002: Best Paper Award: I. C. Gauld, E. F. Shores, and R. T. Perry, "New Neutron Source Algorithms in the ORIGEN-S Code," in Proc. of American Nuclear Society
2002 Winter Meeting "Building the World Nuclear Community -- Strategies for the Deployment of New Nuclear Technologies," November 17-21, 2002, Washington, D.C.