Hunter Andrews is an R&D Staff Scientist in the Isotope Applications Research Group within the Radioisotopes Science and Technology Division. His research focus revolves around the development of in-situ, online monitoring tools for complex environments. His main expertise lies in optical spectroscopy, particularly laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), a rapid form of spectroscopy capable of elemental analysis regardless of sample form. Other research interests include analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, spectroelectrochemistry, neutron imaging, molten salts, inorganic mass spectrometry, chemometrics, and machine learning.
Dr. Andrews received his Ph.D. in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2020. His graduate research focused on the near-real time material detection through combined implementation of electrochemistry and LIBS for molten salt systems. He first joined ORNL as a postdoctoral researcher in the spring of 2020 and transitioned to staff in the summer of 2021.
Early Career Award 2023 - Society of Applied Spectroscopy
Best LDRD Project 2023 - ORNL
Outstanding Scholarly Output - U.T. Battelle Awards Night 2022
Outstanding Reviewer 2022 - Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Innovations in Nuclear Technology R&D Award 2018 - DOE, Office of Nuclear Technology R&D
DOE Nuclear Energy University Program Graduate Research Fellowship 2015 - DOE, NEUP
Innovations in Fuel Cycle Research Award 2016 - DOE, Office of Fuel Cycle Technologies
Other Publications
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