Self Portrait

Holland E Hysmith

PhD Graduate Student

Holland graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a Bachelor's of Science in chemical engineering. Throughout her college career she acquired leadership positions in campus organizations, honors on behalf of the university, and collaborative research project publications. She attends the University of Tennessee Knoxville through the UT Oak Ridge Institute to pursue a PhD in Energy Science & Engineering. Her research interests lie at the intersection of materials discovery and advanced characterization techniques.

AVS Nanoscale Science & Technology Graduate Student Competition Runner-up 

Materials Research Society Accepted Poster Presentation 

CNMS User Meeting Graduate Student Poster Award Winner

AVS Accepted Oral Presentation 

PhD Energy Science & Engineering | 2020 - Present

B.S. Chemical Engineering | 2015-2019

Hysmith, H., Foadian, E., Padhy, S. P., Kalinin, S. V., Moore, R. G., Ovchinnikova, O. S., & Ahmadi, M. (2024). The future of self-driving laboratories: from human in the loop interactive AI to gamification. Digital Discovery, 3(4), 621-636.

Hysmith, H., Park, S. Y., Yang, J., Ievlev, A. V., Liu, Y., Zhu, K., ... & Ovchinnikova, O. S. (2023). The Role of SnO2 Processing on Ionic Distribution in Double-Cation–Double Halide Perovskites. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(30), 36856-36865.