Dr. Bilheux obtained her Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France, in 2003. Her Ph.D. research was performed at the Physics Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory on electron cyclotron resonance ion sources. After a post-doctoral research appointment at the Physics Division, Dr. Bilheux joined the ORNL Neutron Sciences Directorate in 2005. She is responsible for neutron radiography and computed tomography capabilities at the Spallation Neutron Source and continues to participate to the general user program and development activities at the High Flux Isotope Reactor. Her expertise includes neutron technology development and image processing and analysis.
Dr. Bilheux is interested in applying advanced imaging techniques in the fields of materials science (such as energy and additive manufacturing), geosciences and biological applications at the Spallation Neutron Source VENUS imaging beamline she is currently building (to be completed in 2023). Dr. Bilheux is also the point-of-contact for the SNS Second Target Station (STS) future CUPI2D (Complex, Unique and Powerful Imaging Instrument for Dynamics at STS) instrument.
Dr. Bilheux has a strong interest in developing advanced reconstruction and data analysis tools for hyperspectral (i.e., multiple wavelengths) computed tomography at both neutron and X-ray sources. She currently is the PI of a DOE-BES funded project titled " Intelligent Acquisition and Reconstruction for Hyperspectral Tomography Systems" in collaboration with the NSLS-II light source at Brookhaven National Laboratory and Purdue University.
2015: Significant Event Award for the scientific use of neutron imaging in fuel injection, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2012: Significant Event Award for the scientific use of neutron probing in additive manufacturing, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2006: UT-Battelle Team Award in the Esprit de Corps category