George D Toby High Power Radio Frequency Engineer Contact 865.341.0185 | All Publications Multipacting analysis of the SNS drift tube linac (DTL) RF vacuum window using Spark3d High Power Radiofrequency Operation of the Radiofrequency Quadrupoles in the Spallation Neutron Source Design Enhancements for the SNS RFQ Coaxial Coupler Mitigating Cathode Overcurrent Faults at the Spallation Neutron Source Multipacting Analysis of Warm Linac RF Vacuum Windows SNS Warm Linac Circulator Breakdown Considerations for the PPU Project The Spallation Neutron Source Normal Conducting Linac RF System Design for the Proton Power Upgrade Project Final Design Report Proton Power Upgrade Project Key Links ORCID Organizations Neutron Sciences Directorate