Feiyi Wang received his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University (NCSU). Prior joining the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, he was a principal research scientist at Microelectronic Center of North Carolina (MCNC) and the lead PI and Co-PI for several DARPA-funded projects. He is a Distinguished Research Scientist and Group Leader of Analytics and AI methods at Scale Group (AAIMS) at National Center for Computational Sciences of ORNL. His research interests include large-scale data analytics, distributed machine learning and benchmarking, high performance storage system, parallel I/O and file systems. Dr. Wang hold Joint Faculty Professor position at University of Tennessee, and a senior member of IEEE.
For full publication records, please refer to Google Scholar.
- 2024 R&D 100 Award Winner, "UnifyFS: A filesystem for Burst Buffers", was developed by a team from LLNL, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the University of Illinois’ National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
- 2023 R&D 100 Award Finalist, "OpenMxP: Open Mixed Precision Computing", was developed by a team of researchers at Analytics and AI Methods at Scale Group at ORNL.
- IPDPS’23 Best Paper Finalist, top 1% submissions, “DeepThermo:Deep Learning Accelerated Parallel Monte Carlo Sampling for Thermodynamic Evaluation of High Entropy Alloys”, in 37th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, St. Petersburg, Florida USA, 2023
- 2022 UT-Battelle Award for Distinguished Innovation, and Director’s Award. In recognition of “... instrumental role in developing the new capability of HPL-AI benchmarks at ORNL.”
- 2022 UT-Battelle Award for Research Accomplishment: “For pioneering one-of-a-kind monitoring and data analytics capabilities that extracts insights from both real-time and long-term extremes of high-volume, high-velocity, and high-variety data streams from HPC data centers.”
- SC’22 Gordon Bell Covid Special Finalist, “TwoFold: highly accurate structure and affinity prediction for protein- ligand complexes from sequences”, in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Dallas, TX, 2022.
- Bench’21 Best Paper Award, “Comparative evaluation of deep learning workloads for leadership-class systems”, in 2021 BenchCouncil International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimizing.
- SC’21 Best Paper Award, “Revealing Power, Energy, and Thermal Dynamics of a 200PF Pre-Exascale Supercomputer”, in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, St. Louis, MO, 2021
- SC’21 Gordon Bell Covid Special Finalist, “Language models for the prediction of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors” in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, St. Louis, MO, 2021
- SEA (Significant Event Award), in recognition of significant contribution to Acceptance Testing of Summit Supercomputer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2019.
- HPCC’17 Best Paper Finalist, “Analysis and Modeling of the End-to-End I/O Performance in OLCF’s Titan Supercomputer,” presented in a special session of 19th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), Bangkok, Thailand, December 2017.
- SBAC-PAD’16 Best Paper Finalist, “Using Balanced Data Placement to Address I/O Contention in Production Environment,” the 28th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC- PAD), Los Angeles, CA, 2016.
- SMC’15 Best Poster Award, “Improving Large-scale Application Performance with ADIOS and BPIO,” Smoky Mountain Computational Science and Engineering Conference, September 2015.
- CUG’15 Best Paper Finalist, “A More Realistic Way of Stressing the End-to-end I/O System,” in Cray User Group Conference (CUG), Chicago, USA.
- SC’14 Best Paper Finalist, 14 out of 394 submissions are selected as the best paper finalist, “Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Deploying and Operating Large-scale Data-centric Parallel File Systems,” in Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2014.
- SEA (Significant Event Award), in recognition of significant contribution to the Accelerating Data Acquisition, Reduction, and Analysis (ADARA) project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2012.
- Distinguished Employee Award of Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2012.
- SEA (Significant Event Award), in recognition of significant contribution to the Architecture, Development, and Deployment of The Earth System Grid Federation System, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2012.
- SEA (Significant Event Award), in recognition of significant contribution to the Spider Parallel FileSystem Deployment and Transition to Operations, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2010.