Erik Kabela is a meteorologist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Division. His current research and development focuses in a wide range of atmospheric science contexts, including meteorological modeling, transport and dispersion modeling, emergency response, data collection and analysis, meteorological instrumentation, and radar. Prior to joining Oak Ridge, Erik spent 5 years at the Savannah River National Laboratory in the Atmospheric Technologies Group. Erik earned his B.S. in Meteorology from Valparaiso University in 2004, a M.S. in Agricultural Meteorology from Iowa State University in 2006, and a Ph.D. in Geography/Applied Climatology from the University of South Carolina in 2012.
Trademarks and Patents
Harter, A, B. Stinson, and E. D. Kabela (2018): Global communication and control. Patent Number 10069918. Issued: September 4, 2018.