Donald B Batchelor Contact 865.574.1288 | All Publications Core-Pedestal Plasma Configurations in Advanced Tokamaks A WKB based preconditioner for the 1D Helmholtz wave equation Application of the parareal algorithm to simulations of ELMs in ITER plasma Integrated modeling of high β N steady state scenario on DIII-D Time parallelization of advanced operation scenario simulations of ITER plasma... Time parallelization of plasma simulations using the parareal algorithm... The Design and Implementation of the Swim Integrated Plasma Simulator Advances in Simulation of Wave Interactions with Extended MHD Phenomena Advances in Simulation of Wave Interaction with Extended MHD Phenomena Simulation of wave interactions with MHD... Simulation of High Power Electromagnetic Wave Heating in the ITER Burning Plasma... Component Framework for Coupled Integrated Fusion Plasma Simulation ... Integrated Physics Advances in Simulation of Wave Interactions with Extended MHD Phenomena Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Directions... Simulation of Fusion Plasmas: Current Status and Future Direction Global-wave Solutions with Self-consistent Velocity Distributions in Ion Cyclotron Heated Plasmas Self-Consistent Full-Wave and Fokker-Planck Calculations for Ion Cyclotron Heating in Non-Maxwellian Plasmas Physics design of the National Spherical Torus Experiment ECH on NSTX