David Radford is a native of New Zealand, where he studied at Auckland University. He was a staff scientist at Chalk River Laboratory in Ontario, Canada, before moving to ORNL in 1997. With long experience using germanium detectors for fundamental physics research, he has worked on GRETINA/GRETA and the Majorana Demonstrator. He is now the U.S-DOE Project Director of the Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless ββ Decay (LEGEND-1000). LEGEND-1000 is a search for a hypothesized very rare decay of atomic nuclei, called neutrinoless double-beta decay. If seen, this decay would prove that the neutrino and anti-neutrino are the same particle and that Lepton Number is not conserved. It could help solve the long-standing question of how the Big Bang produced the universe with an excess of matter over antimatter.
Professional Experience
- Section Head, Fundamental Nuclear and Particle Physics, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 2020 – Present
- Interim Division Director, Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 2018 – June 2019
- Group Leader, Nuclear Structure Group and Majorana and Advanced Detectors Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, January 2013 – April 2018
- UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 2015 – Present
- Adjunct Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012 – Present
- Research Staff / Senior Research Staff / Distinguished Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1997 – Present
- Research Scientist / Senior Research Scientist, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, January 1985 – April 1997
- Research Associate, Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, February 1983 – December 1984
- Visiting Research Scientist, Centre de Recherches Nucléaires, Strasbourg, June 1981 – January 1983
- Research Staff Physicist, Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory, Yale University, October 1978 – April 1981
- UT-Battelle Corporate Fellow (2015)
- Fellow of the American Physical Society (2006)
- Discovery Award of the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (1995)
- University of Auckland Senior Physics Prize (1976)
- B.Sc. Physics, University of Auckland, 1974
- Ph.D. Nuclear Physics, University of Auckland, 1978
Professional Service
- Member, NSAC Long Range Plan Resolution Committee, 2023
- Member, FRIB Program Advisory Committee, 2023 – Present
- Member, LEGEND Collaboration Steering Committee and LEGEND Institutional Board, 2016 – Present
- Chair, GRETA Technical Advisory Committee, 2016 – Present
- Member, Physical Review C Editorial Board, 2016 – 2018
- Member, NSAC Long Range Plan Resolution Committee, 2015
- Member, DNP Program Committee, 2014 – 2016
- Chair, GRETINA Advisory Committee, 2004 – 2016
- Chair, GRETINA Electronics Working Group, 2003 – 2012
- Chair, Majorana Executive Committee, 2009 – 2010
- Chair, ATLAS Program Advisory Committee (ANL), 2003 – 2009
- Chair, GAMMASPHERE Users Executive Committee, 2005 – 2010
- Member, RIKEN RIB Factory Program Advisory Committee for Nuclear-Physics Experiments, 2006 – 2008
- Numerous DOE-NP and NSF reviews
- Referee for Physical Review Letters, Physical Review C, European Journal of Physics, Nuclear Instr. and Methods, and IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science