Dan T Dietz HPC Engineer Contact 865.341.1878 | dietzdt@ornl.gov All Publications OLCF’s Advanced Computing Ecosystem (ACE): FY24 Efforts for the DOE Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) Program Evaluating the Cloud for Capability Class Leadership Workloads... Scaling Up: Growth of the Indy Student Cluster Competition Balancing Load in More Ways than One Approaching the Final Frontier: Lessons Learned from the Deployment of HPE/Cray EX Spock and Crusher supercomputers 2021 Operational Assessment - OLCF A Step Towards the Final Frontier: Lessons Learned from Acceptance Testing of the First HPE/Cray EX 3000 System at ORNL Key Links ORCID Organizations Computing and Computational Sciences Directorate National Center for Computational Sciences Operations Section System Acceptance and User Environment Group