Clarina R Dela Cruz
Distinguished Senior Scientist and Group Leader, Powder Diffraction Group
Clarina dela Cruz received her BS and MS degrees in Physics at the National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines-Diliman in 2001 and 2003 where she fabricated and studied the transport properties of various cuprate high temperature superconductors. She proceeded to complete her PhD in Physics at the University of Houston in 2006, high-lighted by her work on the pressure effect in multiferroic materials at the High Pressure and Low Temperature Laboratory of the Texas Center for Superconductivity under Dr. Paul Chu. She then pursued a Postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee (UT) and the Neutron Scattering Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) with Dr. Pengcheng Dai And Dr. Herbert Mook. As a dual UT/ORNL postdoc, she learned to use neutron scattering techniques to study correlated electron systems particularly the Fe-based superconductors. She is part of the Neutron Scattering Division, where she previously held the role of Initiative Coordinator for NSD's Quantum Materials Science Initiative. She is currently the group leader for the Powder Diffraction Group, as well as instrument scientist for the HB2A Neutron Powder Diffractometer housed at the High Flux Isotope Reactor.
Clarina grew up in Kalibo, Aklan, a town in Panay island, located in the middle of the Philippine archipelago.