Bhargavi Krishna

Bhargavi Krishna

DAQ Software Engineer, DAQ-Integration Group, Neutron Instrument Technologies Section, Neutron Technologies Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate

Bhargavi Krishna joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory in February 2015.  She has a Ph.D. (2013) degree in Computer Science from University of Arkansas at Little Rock and B.S. (2004) degree in Electronics from Madras University, India. Dr. Krishna was a Scientific Software Engineer and worked on big data processing, visualization and the quicklooks project with the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Team until 2019.

In May 2019 she joined Instrument Data Acquisition and Controls group in the Neutron Sciences Directorate as a Data Acquisition Software Engineer and since then have developed and integrated various  EPICS IOCs  and Phoebus interface for different devices to upkeep the operation of the several beamlines. From 2020 she is part of the DAQ Integration group under Neutron Technologies Division, Neutron Instrument Technologies Section in the Neutron Sciences Directorate.