R&D Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab, 2000-2020, including:
- Co-spokesperson of UCNA and UCNtau experiments
- Project and capability leader for Ultracold Neutron source and facility
- Project and capability leader of Proton Radiography User Facility
- Deputy Group Leader, Subatomic Physics Group
- Principal Investigator of two LDRD-DR awards
Distinguished Scientist, Oak Ridge National Lab, 2020-present, including:
- Experiment manager of nEDM@SNS experiment
- Instrument scientist for Fundamental Neutron Physics Beamline User Facility
- Group leader of Fundamental Physics with Neutrons group
Fellow of American Physical Society, 2015
Professional Experience
Post doctoral research fellow, Los Alamos National lab, 1998-2000
R&D Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab, 2000-2020
Distinguished Scientist, Oak Ridge National Lab, 2020-present
Fellow of American Physical Society, 2015
BA, Williams College, 1990
MS, University of Colorado, 1992
PhD, University of Colorado, 1998
Professional Service
- TRIUMF Ultra-cold neutron source and EDM experiment External Advisory Committee (2013-18) and Conceptual Design Review Committee Chair (2018).
- North Carolina State University Ultra-cold neutron source external safety review committee (2011).
- Weapons Neutron Research facility Nuclear Physics Program Advisory Committee (2011-013)
- LANL Post-doc committee rep (2018-2020)
- TUCAN External Advisory Committee chair (2015-present)
Professional Affiliations
American Physical Society
Trademarks and Patents
“Imaging and Sensing Based on Muon Tomography,” US Patent App. 12108494 (2008).
“Radiation Portal Monitor System and Method,” US Patent No. 7633062 (2009).
December 2023
Journal: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
December 2022
Journal: Physical Review C
Other Publications
See google scholar. H-index = 37, 4867 citations.