Size effects, influencing a material's strength, elongation, fatigue limit, and longevity, depend on the operative and dominant deformation and failure mechanisms. This study explores the size effects in additive manufactured (AM) GRCop-42 (Cu-4at%Cr-2at%Nb) thin wall structures fabricated via laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and their impact on fatigue life. The influence of internal defects and surface topography on the fatigue life of specimens in both as-built and hot isostatic pressed (HIP) conditions across different thicknesses is investigated. Where micro-computed tomography (μCT) was used to quantify the internal porosity of as-built, pristine HIP'd, and fatigued HIP'd specimens, and laser microscopy was employed to quantify the surface topography of specimens prior to fatigue. Additionally, quasi-static tests were used to establish baseline mechanical properties (i.e. yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and elongation) to frame fatigue testing conditions. Results indicate a significant enhancement in fatigue life for HIP'd specimens for both thicknesses, with internal defects depicting a greater impact than surface topography. Furthermore, fractographic analysis suggests that thicker specimens exhibit higher resistance to crack propagation during fatigue testing in the absence of substantial porosity. Thus, the size effects observed on the fatigue life of L-PBF GRCop-42 appears to be dominated by internal defects.