The target carriage supports the mercury target vessel in the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) in a cantilevered fashion and supplies the liquid mercury flowing to and from the target vessel. The target carriage is designed to move the target vessel into its target monolith position to receive the proton beam and then remove it horizontally back into an adjacent service cell, where the target vessel can be exchanged about 2-3 times per calendar year.
At the time of the performed studies, the SNS mercury target can accept a proton beam at 1 GeV energy and 1.4 MW power; however, it will be upgraded to receive 1.3 GeV energy at 2 MW by the end of 2024 year [1]. The cart is practically a shield block on wheels to minimize fluxes and dose rates in the service cell downstream of the carriage.
There are vent lines located inside a passage on top of the target carriage, and they are covered by a stepping-up steel shield block (vent lines shield block). Vent lines are permanently attached to the shield block. New vent lines with a different design are going to be installed. These lines are shielded by the new steel block to which the vent lines are attached.
The estimate of the residual dose rates from the block after it is extracted from the target carriage is performed to estimate the radiation fields and to decide on the type of storage container to be used.