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The Recent Improvements of the SNS Extraction Kicker Power Supplies

by Yugang Tan, Robert B Saethre
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2022 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference Proceedings
Publication Date
Page Numbers
141 to 143
Publisher Location
New Jersey, United States of America
Conference Name
2022 IEEE Power Modulator and High Voltage Conference
Conference Location
Knoxville, Tennessee, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

A total of 14 extraction kickers., with one as the hot spare., are in service to extract protons out of the storage ring at the SNS. The jitter issue and the short lifetime of the switches were resolved after the thyratrons were replaced with solid state switches in 2018. This paper discusses the recent improvements. Two thyristor switches suffered overheating damage in separate incidents. One was due to the oil pump failure and the other was the result of a disconnected oil hose. An ultrasonic flow meter and a fiber optic temperature monitoring system have been installed for each extraction kicker power supply. The flow meter continuously monitors the entire tank oil flow. The temperature monitor detects the thyristor switch real-time temperatures in three locations. Fault thresholds are selected so that the thyristor switches are protected from overheating damage. Alarms are configured to alert staff to take actions before faults occur. In addition., the cause of an intermittent misfire issue was identified, and the solution was implemented. Lastly., a future oscilloscope upgrade and an oil level sensor are discussed.