The success of a quantum algorithm hinges on the ability to orchestrate a successful application induction. Detrimental overheads in mapping general quantum circuits to physically implementable routines can be the deciding factor between a successful and erroneous circuit induction. In QASMTrans, we focus on the problem of rapid circuit transpilation. Transpilation plays a crucial role in converting high-level, machine-agnostic circuits into machine-specific circuits constrained by physical topology and supported gate sets. The efficiency of transpilation continues to be a substantial bottleneck, especially when dealing with larger circuits requiring high degrees of inter-qubit interaction. QASMTrans is a high-performance C++ quantum transpiler framework that demonstrates 3-1111 × speedups compared to the commonly used Qiskit transpiler. We observe speedups on large dense circuits such as ‘uccsd_n24’ which require gates. QASMTrans successfully transpiles the aforementioned circuits in 7.9s, whilst Qiskit needs 502 seconds with optimization 1 and exceeds an hour of transpilation time with optimization 3. With QASMTrans providing transpiled circuits in a fraction of the time of prior transpilers, potential design space exploration, and heuristic-based transpiler design becomes substantially more tractable. QASMTrans is released at http://github.com/pnnl/qasmtrans.