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Pressure control of the spin reorientation transition in the rare-earth orthoferrite YbFeO3

Publication Type
Journal Name
Physical Review B
Publication Date
Page Numbers
054432 to 054432

YbFeO3 is exceptional among the rare-earth orthoferrites for having the lowest spin-reorientation transition (SRT) temperature, TSRT≃8K, which makes it particularly appealing to examine the interplay between noncollinear magnetism of the Fe sublattice and quasi-one-dimensional XXZ effective S=1/2 chains of Yb3+ moments. Our paper focuses on the magnetic dynamics of YbFeO3 using inelastic neutron scattering (INS), at temperatures below and above the SRT, under an applied hydrostatic pressure of 2 GPa, and in magnetic fields up to 4 T. The low-energy zero-field excitation spectrum at ambient pressure and temperatures below the SRT is dominated by a gapped magnon mode of the Yb subsystem at 0.84 meV with a dispersion only in the [00L] direction. Above TSRT, a continuum appears on top of the magnon mode because of temperature population of the magnon band, and the gap decreases to around 0.4 meV. The INS spectra in the magnetic field, both above and below TSRT, are characterized by two well-separated gapped modes. The SRT is clearly visible at low fields B<1T, but it gradually disappears at higher magnetic fields. The hydrostatic pressure of p=2GPa effectively reduces the transition width, ΔTSRT, and keeps the SRT at higher fields up to B≃3T. We discuss the effect of the applied pressure in the frame of the modified mean-field theory and show that in the vicinity of the TSRT the pressure tunes the fourth-order anisotropy constant that effectively reduces the ΔTSRT.