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Overview on Shielding Analyses for the VENUS Instrument at SNS...

by Franz X Gallmeier
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Neutron Delivery Systems
Publication Date
Page Numbers
54 to 56
Publisher Location
Conference Name
International Workshop on Neutron Delivery Systems (NDS)
Conference Location
Grenoble, France
Conference Sponsor
Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL)
Conference Date

VENUS, a world‐class versatile neutron imaging instrument, is under construction and is expected to be completed and ready to start commissioning in 2023. The range of cold to epithermal neutrons at SNS will give users of VENUS access to novel imaging methods, as well as to significantly improved existing methods. The instrument is being built on beam line 10 at Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) First Target Station (FTS) facing a decoupled poisoned hydrogen moderator. Instrument design, which includes optics, Front-End components and instrument enclosure components and shape started over 10 years ago and during this time had significant changes. All changes were supported by neutronics analyses to provide adequate shielding for both Front-End and instrument enclosure.
Final optics design will provide the field of view (FOV) at the detector position (where the image is formed) to be as high as 0.20 by 0.20 m. Both the beam, which contains a large fraction of high-energy neutrons, and the desire for a large footprint on the detector are challenges for shielding design and budget, because the driving cost for the instrument is the beam line and enclosure shielding. For cost reason VENUS baseline design is optimized with respect to both the instrument cave footprint and its wall thickness, and Front-End shielding is tailored along the beam. Analyses are performed with the Monte Carlo particle transport code MCNPX version 2.7.0 to make choices on materials, thicknesses and configurations of the shielding. Numerous calculations are performed to meet space and coast constrain and to satisfy instrument physics needs and to comply with radiation protection requirements.