The magnetic structure of K2Co3(MoO4)3(OH)2 is studied in detail. The material has a half-sawtooth one-dimensional (1-D) structure containing two unique Co2+ ions, one in the chain backbone and one on the apex of the sawtooth creating a series of isosceles triangles along the b-axis. These triangles can be a source of magnetic frustration. The ability to grow large single crystals enables detailed magnetic measurements with the crystals oriented in a magnetic field along the respective axes. It has a Curie–Weiss temperature θCW of 5.3(2) K with an effective magnetic moment of 4.8(3)μB/Co. The material is highly anisotropic with a sharp antiferromagnetic ordering transition at 7 K with a metamagnetic transition at 2 kOe. Neutron diffraction was used to determine the magnetic structure and revealed a magnetic structure with canted spins along the backbone of the chain while spins along the sawtooth caps maintained a colinear orientation, arranging antiferromagnetically relative to the backbone spins. The parallel chains arrange antiferromagnetically relative to each other along the c-axis and ferromagnetically along the a-axis.