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An Initial Implementation of Libfabric Conduit for OpenSHMEM-X...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Publication Date
Conference Name
OpenSHMEM 2018: Fifth Workshop on OpenSHMEM and Related Technologies.
Conference Location
Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

As a representative of Partitioned Global Address Space models, OpenSHMEM provides a variety of functionalities including one-sided communication, atomic operations, and collective routines. The communication layer of OpenSHMEM-X plays a crucial role for its functionalities. OFI Libfabric is an open-source network library that supports portable low-latency interfaces from different fabric providers while minimizing the semantic gap across API endpoints. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of OpenSHMEM-X communication conduit using Libfabric. This Libfabric conduit is designed to support a broad range of network providers while achieving excellent network performance and scalability. We have performed an extensive set of experiments to validate the performance of our implementation, and compared with the Sandia OpenSHMEM implementation. Our results show that the Libfabric conduit improves the communication bandwidth on the socket provider by up to 42% and 11%, compared to an alternative OpenSHMEM implementation for put and get operations, respectively. In addition, our implementation of atomic operations has achieved similar latency to that of the Sandia implementation.