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Improving Performance of M-to-N Processing and Data Redistribution in In Transit Analysis and Visualization

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
Publication Date
Page Number
Publisher Location
Geneva, Switzerland
Conference Name
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization (EGPGV20)
Conference Location
Norrköping, Sweden
Conference Sponsor
EuroVis 2020
Conference Date

In an in transit setting, a parallel data producer, such as a numerical simulation, runs on one set of ranks M, while a data consumer, such as a parallel visualization application, runs on a different set of ranks N: One of the central challenges in this in transit setting is to determine the mapping of data from the set of M producer ranks to the set of N consumer ranks. This is a challenging problem for several reasons, such as the producer and consumer codes potentially having different scaling characteristics and different data models. The resulting mapping from M to N ranks can have a significant impact on aggregate application performance. In this work, we present an approach for performing this M-to-N mapping in a way that has broad applicability across a diversity of data producer and consumer applications. We evaluate its design and performance with a study that runs at high concurrency on a modern HPC platform. By leveraging design characteristics, which facilitate an ''intelligent'' mapping from M-to-N, we observe significant performance gains are possible in terms of several different metrics, including time-to-solution and amount of data moved.