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GRCop-42: Comparison between laser powder bed fusion and laser powder direct energy deposition

by Gabriel Demeneghi, Paul Gradl, Jason R Mayeur, Kavan Hazeli
Publication Type
Journal Name
Additive Manufacturing Letters
Publication Date
Page Number

This study involves a comparative analysis of additively manufactured GRCop-42 specimens produced using two processes: laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) and laser powder direct energy deposition (LP-DED). The investigation characterizes a range of material attributes, including surface topography, internal defects, microstructural features, quasi-static mechanical properties, and fractographic characteristics. The findings demonstrate that, despite the specimens being fabricated with the same base material, the resulting material properties vary significantly between the two additive manufacturing processes. As such, material properties cannot be presumed to be uniform across different manufacturing methods. Consequently, material characterization must be conducted for individual manufacturing processes based on specific parameters.