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Future prospects for constraining nuclear matter parameters with gravitational waves

by Zack Carson, Andrew W Steiner, Kent Yagi
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Physical Review D
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The gravitational wave emission from the merging binary neutron star system GW170817 arrived full of tidal information which can be used to probe the fundamental ultradense nuclear physics residing in these stars. In previous work, we used two-dimensional correlations between nuclear matter parameters and tidal deformabilities of neutron stars applying specifically to GW170817 to derive constraints on the former. Here, we extend this analysis by finding similar correlations for varying chirp masses, the dominant determining factor in the frequency evolution of the inspiral, such that one can apply the same method to future detections. We estimate how accurately one can measure nuclear parameters with future gravitational wave interferometers and show how such measurements can be improved by combining multiple events. We find that bounds on the nuclear parameters with future observations can improve from the current one with GW170817 only by ∼30% due to the existence of systematic errors caused mainly by the remaining uncertainty in the equation of state near and just above the nuclear saturation density. We show that such systematic errors can be reduced by considering multidimensional correlations among nuclear parameters and tidal deformabilities with various neutron star masses.