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Fostering Remote Visualization: Experiences in Two Different HPC Sites...

by Sergio Gelvez Cortes, Cesar Bernal, Carlos Barrios, Benjamin Hernandez Arreguin
Publication Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Page Numbers
18 to 33
Publisher Name
Springer, Cham
Publisher Location
Switzerland, Switzerland

Visualization of scientific data is crucial for scientific discovery to gain insight into the results of simulations and experiments. Remote visualization is of crucial importance to access infrastructure, data and computational resources and, to avoid data movement from where data is produced and to where data will be analyzed. Remote visualization enables geographically diverse collaboration and enhances user experience through graphical user interfaces. This paper presents two approaches deployed by two different HPC centers: The SC3 - Supercomputación y Cálculo Científico Center in Colombia and the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility in USA. We overview our remote visualization experiences, adopted technologies, use cases, and challenges encountered. Our contribution is to signal the commonality between approaches in terms of the end goal, showing their fitness for their contexts, while not focusing only on attempting to provide a general picture of remote visualization, given the differences between centers in terms of purposes, needs, resources, and national impact.