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Extending the Blockchain: Ensuring Transactional Integrity in Relational Data via Blockchain Technology...

by William B Ray
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

The idea of combining a relational database with concepts associated with blockchain technology is being examined. The use case outlined herein concurrently utilizes relational and blockchain data structures to facilitate the sharing of complex data among untrusted users without the participation of a trusted third party. By capturing the transactions that result in data being stored in a relational database and placing those transactions in a blockchain structure, users can be assured that the information has not been created, altered, or destroyed without the knowledge of all users of the data.

Capturing relational database transactions via a blockchain structure presents several challenges. Among them are increased storage capacity requirements, transaction ordering prior to placement on the blockchain within a multiuser database, use of existing or creation of new consensus mechanisms, and timely data verification. Addressing these challenges, although not unsurmountable, will introduce trade-offs (e.g., increased system sizing, slower transaction execution) that might or might not be acceptable based upon the envisioned use. If these trade-offs are acceptable, then this concept of extending the blockchain is a powerful method to provide both applications and their users immutable, trusted, well-defined, and consistent data.