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Computational Nuclear Physics and Post Hartree-Fock Methods...

by Justin Lietz, Novario Sam, Gustav R Jansen, Gaute Hagen, M. Hjorth-jensen
Publication Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Page Numbers
293 to 399
Publisher Name
Springer International Pub
Publisher Location
Cham, Switzerland

We present a computational approach to infinite
nuclear matter employing Hartree-Fock theory, many-body perturbation
theory and coupled cluster theory. These lectures are closely linked
with those of chapters 9, 10 and 11 and serve as input for the
correlation functions employed in Monte Carlo calculations in
chapter 9, the in-medium similarity renormalization group theory of
dense fermionic systems of chapter 10 and the Green's function
approach in chapter 11. We provide extensive code examples and
benchmark calculations, allowing thereby an eventual reader to start
writing her/his own codes. We start with an object-oriented serial
code and end with discussions on strategies for porting the
code to present and planned high-performance computing facilities.