Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Particle Accelerator Conference 2009
Conference Location
Vancouver, Canada
Conference Date
The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) linac system is designed to deliver 1 GeV pulsed H- beams up to 1.56 MW. As beam power was increased from 10 kW to 680 kW in less than three years, beam loss in the accelerator systems �C particularly in the superconducting linac (SCL), became more critical. In the previous studies, beam loss in the SCL was mainly attributed to longitudinal problems. However, our most recent simulations have focused on the transverse issues. These include multipole components from magnet imperfections and from dipole corrector windings of the SNS linac quadrupoles. The effects of these multipoles coupled with other transverse errors and a new possible cause of beam loss will be discussed.