Dr. C. T. Liu received his B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from National Taiwan University and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in materials science from Brown University.
He has been employed at ORNL since 1967, where he is currently the leader of the Alloying Behavior and Design Group in the Metals and Ceramics Division. During his career, he carried out both basic and applied research on advanced structural materials. Because of his outstanding contributions to this field, he was named the Scientist of the Year by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., and appointed as a corporate fellow in 1985. He was appointed a senior corporate fellow at ORNL in 1997.
Dr. Liu is an author or coauthor of more than 270 technical publications, including several conference proceedings and handbook and encyclopedia articles. He shared the 1995 Best Paper Award from the Journal of Materials Characterization and the Paper of the Year Award from the Japan Institute of Metals in 1996. His papers have been cited extensively by the materials community. In terms of the impact of his scientific papers, Dr. Liu was identified by the Institute for Scientific Information in 1995 as one of the top five individuals in the world whose papers were highly cited in journals of materials sciences and engineering. He has given numerous invited talks at international and national conferences and workshops, including several keynote lectures.
He won three I•R 100 awards and received 19 U.S. patents for his innovative work on the development of new high-temperature structural materials. At present, he is an editor of the Journal of Intermetallics, an associate editor of Materials Letters, and an editor of the Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. In 1990, he was named a principal editor of the Journal of Materials Research. He was also honored by Brown University as a distinguished alumnus in 1985 for his scientific and technological accomplishments.
Dr. Liu is very active in professional society activities. He is a fellow of three societies: The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS), ASM International, and the International Precious Metals Institute. TMS has limited its living fellow members to less than 100 in the world. He has been involved in organizing more than 23 international and national conferences sponsored by TMS, the Materials Research Society (MRS), ASM International, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. He has chaired three TMS committees (Alloy Phases Committee, Acta Met./Hume Rothery Award Committee, and the Fellow Award Committee) and served as a member of many ASM/NRC councils, panels, and committees for TMS, MRS, ASM International, and the National Research Council.
Corporate Fellow in 1985 and a Senior Corporate Fellow in 1997.