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ORBIT Benchmark of Extraction Kicker Instability Observed in SNS...

by Jeffrey A Holmes, Sarah Mariehelen Cousineau, Viatcheslav V Danilov, Zhengzheng Liu
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Particle Accelerator Conference
Conference Location
Vancouver, Canada
Conference Date

During one of the high beam intensity runs in SNS, a coasting beam instability was observed in the ring when the beam was stored for 10000 turns. This instability was observed at an intensity of about 12 microcoulombs and was characterized by a frequency spectrum peaking at about 6 MHz. A likely cause of the instability is the impedance of the ring extraction kickers. We carry out here a detailed benchmark of the observed instability, uniting an analysis of the experimental data, a precise ORBIT Code tracking simulation, and a theoretical estimate of the observed beam instability.