Edmund Wise, physician assistant in the Health Division of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), has received a certificate of completion for his participation in the first postgraduate occupational and environmental medicine program offered at Duke University.
Wise was one of 51 physician assistants who successfully completed 40 hours of continuing medical education credits in a three-credit graduate course taken through the Duke School of Medicine.
The program included topics such as workers' compensation, work site assessment, occupational exposures, illnesses and injuries and drugs and alcohol in the workplace.
Wise earned a bachelor's degree in biology and premed from Washington and Jefferson (Pa.) College. He earned a master's in industrial hygiene from the University of Tennessee. Wise joined ORNL's Health Division in 1974.
Wise is a resident of West Knoxville.
ORNL is a DOE multiprogram facility operated by UT-Battelle.