Stow has served in several positions in Oak Ridge since 1980, including program manager for various environmental activities, section head of the earth sciences section at ORNL and an active participant in numerous environmental restoration projects associated with the cleanup of the DOE Oak Ridge Reservation.
More recently, Stow served as ORNL's ombudsman and was previously the laboratory's ethics officer.
Stow is an authority on Oak Ridge history and periodically makes public presentations on life during the Manhattan Project years of the 1940s--occasionally wearing a suit and hat from that era during his appearances.
Stow was formerly a professor of geology at the University of Alabama and also worked for the Continental Oil Company. He is the author or co-author of more than 50 publications and numerous reports.
He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Geological Society of America.
Stow earned a bachelor's degree in geology from Vanderbilt University and a master's degree and doctorate in geochemistry from Rice University.
He resides in Knoxville.
AMSE is a museum that focuses on science and the history of Oak Ridge and the Manhattan Project.
ORNL is a multiprogram science and technology laboratory managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.