The society's diverse membership includes writers, editors, illustrators, printers, publishers, educators, students, engineers, and scientists employed in a variety of technological fields. With more than 20,000 members worldwide, STC is the largest professional organization serving the technical communication profession.
ORNL winners are: .
Technical Publications Award of Excellence (second place) in the Magazines Category Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review Carolyn Krause and Deborah Barnes, Communications and Community Outreach; Jane Parrott, Computing, Information and Network Division.
Award of Merit (third place) in the Scholarly/Professional Articles Category "Scientific Issues in the Restoration of Salmonid Fishes in the Columbia River" Charles C. Coutant, Environmental Sciences Division .
Award of Merit (third place) in the Technical Reports Category Geothermal Heat Pumps in K-12 Schools: A Case Study of the Lincoln Nebraska Schools John A. Shonder, Patrick J. Hughes and Michaela A. Martin, Energy Division; Carolyn I. Moser, Computing, Information and Network Division .
Technical Art Award of Merit (third place) in Poster Design ORNL Visitor Center Displays Vickie Conner and Tina Curry, Computing, Information and Network Division; and Billy Stair, Communications and Community Outreach .
Online Communications Distinguished Award (first place) in Online Books U.S. Department of Energy Microbial Genome Program Report Online Booklet Marissa D. Mills, Judy M. Wyrick, Sheryl Martin, Anne E. Adamson, Denise K. Casey, Betty K. Mansfield and Laura N. Yust, Life Sciences Division.