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ORNL researchers certified by Health Physics Society

Michael E. Murray and Peggy F. Tiner of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have been certified as registered radiation protection technologists.

In receiving their certification, Murray and Tiner of ORNL's Health Sciences Research Division passed a comprehensive proficiency test in health physics and radiation protection and demonstrated significant work experience in these areas. Both are now members of the National Registry of Radiation Protection Technologists. Murray and Tiner are also members of the East Tennessee Chapter of the Health Physics Society.

Murray received his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Tennessee Technological University and his master's in environmental engineering from the University of Tennessee.

Prior to joining the nuclear safety oversight team at ORNL, Murray worked as a radiochemical engineer at the Tennessee Valley Authority for 10 years.

Tiner received a bachelor's degree in botany from the University of Tennessee. At ORNL she conducts radiological surveys for environmental contamination.

Both Murray and Tiner are project leaders in the Measurement Applications and Development Group of ORNL's Assessment Technology Section.

Murray resides with his wife and three children in Kingston.

Tiner lives in Oak Ridge.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.