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ORNL researcher wins prestigious Buerger Award

Carroll Johnson of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has won the 1997 Buerger Award from the American Crystallographic Association (ACA) for his work in thermal motion analysis of at oms in crystals.

Johnson wrote the original Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Program (ORTEP), used to graphically display the X-ray structure of small molecules. ORTEP concisely conveys a great deal of information about the structure of the molecule and the thermal motion of the atoms. The recently issued third version of the program is being included in major packages of crystallographic software used to determine crystal structure quality.

The ACA established the Buerger Award in 1983 to honor the pioneering crystallographic work of Martin J. Buerger, professor emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Connecticut. The award is given every three years to honor scientists who have made contributions of exceptional distinction in areas of interest to the ACA.

The award, which carries a monetary prize of $1500, will be presented during the ACA's annual meeting in St. Louis, July 19-25. Johnson will give the Buerger Award lecture, "Thermal Ellipsoid Topology: the Fossil Footprints of Restless Atoms."

Johnson entered the field of crystallography at MIT, earning his doctorate in biophysics in 1959. A member of the Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division, he recently retired from ORNL after 34 years of research in computing, neutron and X-ray diffraction, applied artificial intelligence and applied topology. His current interest is the developing field of topological computing.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.