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ORNL researcher assists 'Extreme Makeover' crew

February 12, 2010 — Jeff Christian of the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided behind-the-scenes assistance for a segment on this Sunday's "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" on ABC-TV that features the construction of two energy efficient buildings, including a house and a community center.

As part of the segment, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Education Secretary Arne Duncan were filmed touring the sites. The three secretaries were briefed off-camera by Christian about the energy efficient technologies used in the construction.

"I was asked to come up to Washington, D.C., and add some technical substance to the design and construction," said Christian, a researcher in ORNL's Energy and Transportation Science Division. "I offered suggestions to the segment director and to the builders in an effort to achieve as near zero energy design as we could."

Christian hopes the estimated 15 million people who usually watch the show will learn valuable information.

"Energy efficiency is a very good investment for Americans to make in their own homes," Christian said. "The goal is to move as close to zero energy consumption for housing as possible.

Sunday's two-hour show will air at 9 p.m. EST.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.