The projects promote the more-efficient production and use of energy. The projects, their total budgets (combined university/laboratory awards) and their ORNL collaborators include: .
New Processing and Characterization Approaches for Achieving Full Performance of High Temperature Superconducting Tapes, University of Wisconsin. The university will address key issues needed to improve the performance of superconducting tapes to increase their energy efficiency and make them more economical. Estimated grant amount is $350,000. Eliot Spect of the Metals and Ceramics Division is the ORNL collaborator.
Atomic Scale Investigations of the Structure and Dynamics of Complex Catalytic Materials, Drexel University, Philadelphia.
Drexel University is performing research to advance the understanding of atomic-scale structure and dynamics of complex catalytic materials that produce reactions to improve energy efficiency. Estimated grant amount is $599,922. Steve Pennycook of the Solid State Division is the ORNL collaborator.
Adaptive Full-Spectrum Solar Energy Systems, University of Nevada, Reno, Nev.
The university will conduct research to demonstrate that solar energy systems can be made at an affordable cost for commercial buildings. In addition, the university will demonstrate that complex hybrid reactors used for emissions reduction at power plants can be made to compete favorably with existing technologies. Estimated grant amount is $1,824,574. The University of Nevada will provide $355,391 in matching funds. Jeff Muhs of the Engineering Technology Division is the ORNL collaborator.
High Temperature Ceramic Coatings for Energy Efficient Heat Engines, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.
Northwestern will conduct research that enables high temperature ceramic coatings to be used in energy efficient heat engines, such as microturbines and industrial gas turbines. Estimated grant amount is $814,215. Northwestern will provide $143,215 in matching funds. Matt Ferber of the Metals and Ceramics Division is the ORNL collaborator.
Enhancement of Closed Chamber Reactors in Agriculture. Washington University, St. Louis.
The university will conduct work to promote energy efficiency through design, scale-up and operation of anaerobic digesters (closed chamber reactors) that convert animal manure into chemicals and energy for use in agriculture and other industries. Estimated grant amount is $737,150. Dave DePaoli and Tom Klasson of the Chemical Technology Division are the ORNL collaborators.
High Temperature Fiber Optic Sensor for Energy Intensive Industries, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va.
The university will develop and demonstrate the application of self-calibrating temperature and pressure sensors for several energy-intensive industries where conventional, commercially available sensors fail prematurely. This emerging technology will provide for improved reliability and durability in commercial applications. Estimated grant amount is $647,417. Mark Janney of the Metals and Ceramics Division is the ORNL collaborator.
ORNL is a DOE multiprogram facility operated by UT-Battelle.