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ORNL announces semi-finalists for Nano Idea to Product Competition

Fifteen teams from 12 universities have been selected to present their new product ideas at the Nano Idea to Product Competition April 2-4, part of a nanotechnology research and industry event to be hosted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

The teams were chosen based on the innovation of their product ideas combined with the ability of the product to solve a need in the market. Universities selected were Duke University, Emory University, Florida International University, Florida State University, Georgia Tech, Imperial College in the United Kingdom, Louisiana Tech, Tuskegee University, University of Tennessee, University of Texas, University of Virginia and Vanderbilt University. These teams will go on to compete for a $25,000 grand prize to be awarded at Nano Nexus 2007, a nanotechnology-focused conference of which the Idea to Product Competition is a component.

"We were really impressed with the quality of the submissions from each of these teams," said Joy Fisher, managing director of the event. "Many of the schools involved have not done anything like this before, so it's a great testament to their desire to foster innovation and entrepreneurship."

The Nano Idea to Product Competition is one track featured at Nano Nexus 2007, the first event of its kind to be hosted by a national laboratory. The forum is designed to foster innovation and increase collaboration among universities, government, industry and the investment community?all critical players for commercializing new nanotechnology.

Nano Nexus 2007 is one of several initiatives begun last year by the Innovation Valley Nano Alliance to translate the world-class nanoscience resources of Oak Ridge and Knoxville into new companies and jobs. In addition to the business competition, the event will include a nanotechnology venture showcase and industry forum. The goal of the event is to create a dialogue among these players to spur innovation and more quickly and effectively commercialize nanotechnologies.

Major sponsors of Nano Nexus 2007 include the Department of Energy, ORNL, the Kauffman Foundation, Innovation Valley Nano Alliance, Technology 2020, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, BASF Venture Capital America, Stipkala LLC and Research Triangle Institute. 

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.