The APWA is composed of municipal and county transportation and utilities officials across the nation, and consults with these local government bodies on improving their infrastructures. DOE facilities involved in this venture are Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) Transportation Technology Center, the Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technology and the Oak Ridge Center for Environmental Technology.
Under the memorandum, signed by ORNL President Alvin Trivelpiece and APWA Director Ken Haag, a common point of contact will be created between Lockheed Martin Energy Systems and municipal and county officials. Its purpose is to establish an understanding of the technology application and transfer opportunities and capabilities available through cooperative endeavors.
"We hope this is the start of a dynamic relationship where Oak Ridge and APWA can be involved in numerous joint activities," said Dave Jamison, director of alliances and partnerships in the Oak Ridge Office of Technology Transfer. "We believe both organizations will benefit. APWA will have easier access to DOE technologies appropriate to its members' needs, while Oak Ridge will have an outlet to apply and demonstrate those technologies."
Utilizing APWA networks, Lockheed Martin Energy Systems will be able to work with member groups and individual communities to determine how their infrastructures can be improved or enhanced by DOE technologies available from Oak Ridge.
Lockheed Martin Energy Systems manages ORNL, the Oak Ridge K-25 Site and the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant for the Department of Energy.