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LMER names Knapp, Mihalczo corporate fellows

Dr. F. F. (Russ) Knapp, Jr. and Dr. John T. Mihalczo of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have been given the rank of corporate fellow, one of the highest honors at Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.

Corporate fellowships are awarded to those individuals whose contributions have been both significant and continually high over a number of years. Their contributions have been acknowledged by their peers throughout the United States as well as other nations.

Knapp joined ORNL in 1975 and has served as the group leader of the Nuclear Medicine Group in the Life Sciences Division since 1978. He received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from Central College (Mo.) and holds a doctorate in biochemistry from the St. Louis University School of Medicine.

His current research interests involve the reactor production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine applications and radionuclide generator research including the development and applications of the tungsten-188/rhenium-188 generator system. These research areas include the application of reactor-produced radioisotopes used for medical treatment.

Knapp has authored more than 290 publications and has 17 patents. He has been invited to lecture internationally in places such as Portugal, Austria and Hungary. Knapp serves on the editorial boards of the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine , Applied Isotopes and Technology and Clinical Psychology. He is a member of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, the International Association of Radiopharmacology and Phi Beta Kappa.

He was a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Senior American Scientist Award for research at the Clinic for Nuclear Medicine, University of Bonn, Germany, 1991-92. Knapp also received an R&D 100 Award 1997 for his "Modular Technetium-99m Concentrator" from R&D Magazine.

Knapp and his wife, Toni, live in Oak Ridge. They have two children, Michael and Gina.

Mihalczo joined the Neutron Physics Division in 1958 and is the senior research scientist in the Instrumentation and Controls Division, which he joined in 1973. He received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and a master's degree in physics from New York University. Mihalczo holds a doctorate in nuclear engineering from the University of Tennessee. He was appointed as a Ford Foundation Professor at the University of Tennessee and has been a faculty member in the Nuclear Engineering Department since 1970.

Mihalczo is known internationally as an expert in measurements with fissile materials and has authored about 400 publications. He and his co-workers recently developed a nuclear weapons identification system (NWIS), useful for treaty verification, arms control and nuclear weapons disarmament. He and his co-workers applied NWIS technology in 1997 to characterize a large fissile deposit at the Oak Ridge K-25 site. This technology led to the safer removal of the materials. NWIS is in routine use at the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant for verification of nuclear weapons components in storage containers and is the leading candidate for Start III monitoring. Contracts are in place to transfer this technology to Russian institutes.

In addition, Mihalczo and his co-workers' development of a method to monitor the blenddown of 500 tons of uranium from Russian nuclear weapons for use as fuel in U.S. fission power reactors has resulted in a 20-year program for implementation in Russia.

He is a member of the Radiation Detection Advisory Panel for the DOE Office of Nonproliferation and National Security. He also is a fellow of the American Nuclear Society, member of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management and a Fraternal Member of the Knights of Columbus.

Mihalczo and his wife, Margaret, live in Oak Ridge. They have six children, John Jr., Ann, Robert, David, Paul and Donald.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.