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AWS awards two ORNL researchers

Drs. Sudarsanam Suresh Babu and Stan A. David of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have been selected by the American Welding Society (AWS) to be co-recipients of the Warren F. Savage Memorial Award. AWS also has selected Babu to receive the Professor Koichi Masubuchi Award and David to be the U.S. delegate for Study Group 212 at the 1998 International Institute of Welding (IIW) Annual Assembly at Hamburg, Germany.

The Savage award is endowed by former associates of Professor Warren F. Savage to honor his dedication and accomplishments in the field of welding metallurgy. Recipients are recognized for their papers published in the Welding Journal that represent innovative research resulting in a better understanding of the metallurgical principles related to welding.

Babu has been selected for the Masubuchi award for his significant contributions to the advancement of the science and technology of materials through research and development. Sponsored by the Shinsho Corp., the award was established to recognize Professor Koichi Masubuchi's contributions in advancing the science and technology of welding, especially welding fabrication of marine and space structures.

Babu worked as a research associate at the Institute for Materials Research at Tohoku University in Japan before joining ORNL in 1993 as a guest researcher. He was appointed staff member in the Metals and Ceramics Division in 1997. He holds a doctorate in materials science and metallurgy from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Babu presented a lecture in India for the American Society of Metals (ASM) International in 1997. He is a member of the Metallurgical Society, ASM and AWS. He also is a member of the review board of the journal, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. Babu and his wife, Anuradha, live in Knoxville. They have one child, Anisha.

At the assembly, David is expected to provide, in consultation with other experts, the view of the United States on issues and items discussed at the Study Group 212 meetings. David joined ORNL in 1977 and is a corporate fellow of Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation and leader of the Materials Joining and Nondestructive Testing Group in the Metals and Ceramics Division. He designed the Basic Energy Sciences welding program at ORNL and was appointed task leader and national coordinator of the Welding Science Program. He holds a doctorate in metallurgical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and adjunct professorships at the University of Pittsburgh, Ohio State University and Colorado School of Mines.

David is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, ASM International and AWS. He was the 1997 recipient of the Elegant Work Prize of the Institute of Materials, London. David is editor in chief of a new journal, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, published by the institute. He has contributed to more than 200 papers in the fields of solidification and welding metallurgy and is the editor of five international conference proceedings. David and his wife, Dolly, live in Knoxville. They have two children, Kevin and Cheryl.

Babu and David will be honored at an awards luncheon that will be held in conjunction with the 1998 AWS International Welding and Fabricating exposition and 78th Annual Convention in Detroit.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.