The Chemical and Isotopic Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) Team in ORNL’s Nuclear Analytical Chemistry and Isotopics Laboratory Group specializes in ultra-trace analytical measurements. We develop methods and technologies and make measurements in support of national and international nuclear safeguards, security, nonproliferation, verification, and forensics missions. We perform vital measurements in support of the stable and radioisotope production efforts at ORNL. The CIMS team leads the multi-lab DOE/DOS program to provide analytical support to the IAEA’s Network of Analytical Laboratories for analysis of samples collected during onsite inspections of nuclear facilities and heads the analytical laboratory in the Mobile Uranium Facility, which helps secure nuclear material worldwide. In recent years members of the CIMS team have been recognized for their important national and international contributions with multiple Secretary of Energy Achievement Awards and the coveted DOE/NNSA Joule.
Chemical and Isotopics Mass Spectrometry
Senior R&D Staff; Group Leader, Chemical & Isotopic Mass Spectrometry