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Plasma-arc Lamp Publications

Infrared Processing of Ultra-thin Films

  • Duty, C.E., Bennett, C.J.C., Sabau, A.S., Jellison, G.E.Jr., Bodreaux, P.R., Walker S.C., and Ott, R., Advanced Method for Increasing the Efficiency of White Light Quantum Dot LEDs, Physica Status Solidi A, Vol. 208, pp. 1980-1982, 2011.
  • Troparevsky, M.C, Sabau, A.S., Lupini,A.R. and Zhang, Z., Transfer-matrix formalism for the calculation of optical response in multilayer systems: from coherent to incoherent interference, Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 24, pp. 24715-21, 2010.
  • Sabau A.S., Dinwiddie R.B., Xu J., Angelini J.A., Harper D.C., Thermal Annealing of ZnO films using high-density plasma arc lamps, (invited) Symposium Surfaces and Heterostructures at Nano- or Micro-Scale and Their Characterization, Properties, and Applications, 2011 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Febr. 27 - March 3, 2011, San Diego, CA.
  • Sabau, A.S.; Duty, C.E.; Dinwiddie, R.B.; Nichols, M.; Blue, C.A., and Ott R.D., A Radiative Transport Model for Heating Paints using High Density Plasma Arc Lamps, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 084901, 2009, DOI:10.1063/1.3097356.
  • Sabau, A.S.; C.E. Duty, R.D. Ott, and G.E. Jellison, Numerical Simulation of Annealing of CdSe Quantum Dots for White Light LEDs, Presented to the Modeling of Multi-Scale Phenomena in Materials Processing Symposium, MST08, , Pittsburgh, PA (Oct 5-9, 2008).
  • Xu, J., Ott, R; Sabau, A.S. Pan, Z.; Xiu, F.; Liu, J.; Erie, J-M.; Norton, D. P., Generation of nitrogen acceptors in ZnO using pulse thermal processing, Applied Physics Letters, 2008, Vol. 92, no. 15, pp. 151112.
  • Sabau, A.S. Kadolkar, P.B., Dinwiddie, R.B., Ott R.D., and Blue, C.A., Process Parameters for Infrared Processing of FePt Nanoparticle Films, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2007, Vol. 38A, pp. 788-797.
  • Sabau, A.S. and Dinwiddie, R.B., Numerical simulation of high-density plasma-arc processing of FePt nanoparticle films, Journal of Metals, 2006, Vol. 58, pp. 35-38.
  • P.B. Kadolkar, R.D. Ott, C.A. Blue, and A.S. Sabau, Functionalization of Nanomaterials Utilizing Pulse Thermal Processing, MRS Proceedings, 2004, Vol. 853E, Eds: J-P. Wang, P.J. Ryan, K. Nielsch, Z. Cheng.

Analysis of Infrared Processing

  • Rivard J.D.K., Sabau A.S., Blue C.A., Harper, D.C., and Kiggans, J.O., Modeling and processing of liquid-phase-sintered gamma-TiAl during high-density infrared processing, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 2006, Vol. 37A, pp. 1289-1299.
  • Rivard, J.D.K. Blue, C.A., Sabau, A., Ohriner, E.K., Ludtka, G.M., Tiegs, T.N., and Stiglich, J.J., The use of high density infrared heating for surface modification/coatings processes, 2006, Proceedings of the 18-th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies, pp. 139-146.
  • Rivard J.D.K., Blue C.A., Ott R.D., Sabau A., Santella M., Pan T.Y., Joaquin A., Advanced manufacturing technologies utilising high density infrared radiant heating, Surface Engineering, 2004, Vol. 20, pp. 220-228.
  • John D. K. Rivard, Adrian Sabau, Craig A. Blue, Evan K. Ohriner, N. Jayaraman, Thermophysical Properties of Roll Compacted Nickel Sheet for High Density Infrared Processing, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2003, Vol. 34A, pp. 3043-3054.
  • Sabau, A.S., Rivard, J.K.D., Blue C.A., Ohriner, E.K., and Harper, D.C. A Sintering Model for the Evolution of Thermal Conductivity during High Density Infrared Processing of Powder Compacts, International Thermal Conductivity Conference 27, Knoxville, TN, October 29, 2003.
  • John D. K. Rivard, Craig A. Blue, Ron D. Ott, Adrian Sabau, Mike Santella, Tsung-Yu Pan and Armando Joaquin, 2003 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies Utilizing High Density Infrared (HDI) Radiant Heating, Proceedings of Advanced Manufacturing Processes and Systems Global Powertrain Congress, September 23-25, 2003, Ann Arbor, MI.
  • Ohriner, E.K.; Blue, C.A.; Sabau, A.; Rivard, J.D.K., Energy efficient production of sheet material using radiant arc-lamp heating, Proceedings of the TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division March 2-6 2003, San Diego, CA, 2003, pp. 147-158.
  • John D. K. Rivard, Craig A. Blue, Evan K. Ohriner, Adrian Sabau, David C. Harper and N. Jayaraman, Direct Sheet Fabrication of Advanced Materials, World Congress on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, Proceedings of Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate MaterialsÐ2002, MPIF, Princeton, NJ, 2002, 11-81-11-91, June 16-21, Orlando, FL.
  • Ronald D. Ott, Craig A. Blue, Adrian S. Sabau, Tsung-Yu Pan, Armando M. Joaquin, Preferential Softening of 6063-T6 Aluminum Alloy Utilizing a High Density Infrared (HDI) Plasma Arc Lamp, 2002 TMS Fall Meeting, Proceedings of Forming and Shaping of Light Weight Automotive Structures Columbus, OH, October 6-10, 2002.

High-heat flux testing

  • Charry C.H., Abdel-Khalik S.I., Yoda M., Sabau A.S., and Snead L.L., Evaluation of Cooling Conditions for a High Heat Flux Testing Facility based on Plasma-Arc Lamps, {\bf Fusion Science and Technology, Vol. 68, pp. 694-699, 2015.
  • Sabau A.S., Ohriner E.K., Kiggans J.O., Schaich C.R., Ueda Y., Harper D.C., Katoh Y., and Snead L.L., High-Heat Flux Testing of Irradiated Tungsten based Materials for Fusion Applications using Infrared Plasma Arc Lamps, Fusion Science and Technology, Vol. 66, pp. 394-404, 2014.
  • Sabau A.S., Ohriner E.K., Kiggans J.O., Harper D.C., Snead L.L., and Schaich C.R., Facility for high heat flux testing of irradiated fusion materials and components using infrared plasma arc lamps, Physica Scripta, T159, 014007 (4pp), publisher link, 2014.