Eligibility Requirements
Companies must currently manufacture a product and employ a minimum of 10 employees in the State of Tennessee or have made a firm commitment to do so.
Selection Criteria
- The company’s statement of the need for the proposed project
- The potential for Tennessee job creation, new capital investment or jobs saved as a result of this project
- The potential for new product development or significant process improvements
- The availability of ORNL staff and equipment to perform the work requested
- Project must take advantage of unique assets at ORNL
Proposal Process
- Companies are required to submit project proposals to ORNL electronically.
- Proposals are reviewed by a team from UT and ORNL.
- The review team provides comments and a recommendation for approval or disapproval.
- Once a project is approved, ORNL will develop an agreement for signature by UT, UT-Battelle, and the participating company.
- Once the agreement is fully executed, work will begin.
- Project reports are required for each project.
Getting Started
Submit completed proposal package to the RevV program administrator at Oak Ridge National Laboratory via email to cornettjb@ornl.gov. The subject line should include RevV Manufacturing Program Proposal.
Your proposal package must include (proposal template):
Proposals should be no more than five single-spaced pages using 12-point font (Times New Roman preferred), should be in PDF file format, and must include the following components under headings corresponding to the bullets below:
- Title Page: (not included in page limit) Proposal title, principal investigator(s), contact information (name, company, title, nationality, address, phone number, fax number, and email address of the primary contact for contract issues and for scientific issues), as well as a brief company description.
- Project Summary: (200 words) Nonproprietary summary of technical objectives and potential impacts of research
- Background: (One page) Present technical challenge to be addressed. Identify ORNL capability to be used and motivation for collaborative research.
- Project Plan and Objectives: (One to two pages) Provide a brief plan of action for research and expected utilization of ORNL resources. List clear technical objectives and project tasks with associated metrics and milestones.
- Impact: (One to two pages) Predict the impact of the described research if successful. Also describe associated job creation, energy savings and benefit to the economy.