Tyson L Jordan Contact jordantl@ornl.gov | 865.341.0390 All Publications Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY22) Appendix B: Segmentation, Defueling, Metallographic Data and Total Cladding Hydrogen Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY21) Appendix B: Segmentation, Defueling, Metallographic Data and Total Cladding Hydrog... Characterization of Fuel and Cladding In and Near the Pellet-Pellet Gap of a High-Burnup Pressurized Water Reactor Fuel Rod... High Temperature Steam Oxidation of Irradiated FeCrAl in the Severe Accident Test Station... Post Irradiation Examination of Candidate NpO2 Targets for Pu-238 Production... Sister Rod Destructive Examinations (FY20) Appendix B: Segmentation, Defueling, Metallography, and Total Cladding Hydrogen Me... Effect of submillimeter size holes on the fatigue limit of high strength tool steel materials... The very high cycle fatigue behavior of tool steel materials... Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Fuel Development Section Nuclear Fuel Element Performance Group