Luiz C Leal Contact 865.574.5281 | All Publications Neutronics Study of HTR-10: Impact of Graphite Porosity Representation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 TSLs Effective R-Matrix Parameterizations for Nuclear Data Assessing criticality implications of porosity misrepresentation in ENDF/B-VIII.1 graphite TSLs and small angle neutron scattering in nuclear graphite Measurement of the neutron-induced capture-to-fission cross section ratio in 233U at LANSCE Evaluation of Neutron Reactions on Iron Isotopes for CIELO and ENDF/B-VIII.0... New Fe-56 Evaluation for the CIELO project RESONANCE PARAMETER ADJUSTMENT BASED ON INTEGRAL EXPERIMENTS... Creation of problem-dependent Doppler-broadened cross sections in the KENO Monte Carlo code Improved Mixed Oxide Fuel Calculations with the Evaluated Nuclear Data Library JEFF-3.2... Creation of problem-dependent Doppler-broadened cross sections in the KENO Monte Carlo code SAMINT: A New Evaluation Tool to Perform Resonance Parameter Data Adjustments based on Integral Experiment Data... Evaluated 182, 183, 184, 186W Neutron Cross Sections and Covariances in the Resolved Resonance Region... Benchmark Testing of a New 56Fe Evaluation for Criticality Safety Applications... Isotopic molybdenum total neutron cross section in the unresolved resonance region Parameterized representation of macroscopic cross section for PWR reactor Advancing Inverse Sensitivity/Uncertainty Methods for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Applications... Nuclear Data Adjustment with SAMMY Based on Integral Experiments... ORNL Nuclear Data Evaluation Accomplishments for FY2013 PROBLEM DEPENDENT DOPPLER BROADENING OF CONTINUOUS ENERGY CROSS SECTIONS IN THE KENO MONTE CARLO COMPUTER CODE... RESULTS FOR THE INTERMEDIATE-SPECTRUM ZEUS BENCHMARK OBTAINED WITH NEW 63,65Cu CROSS-SECTION EVALUATIONS... Evaluation of Tungsten Neutron Cross Sections in the Resolved Resonance Regions... New Resolved Resonance Region Evaluation for 63Cu and 65Cu for Nuclear Criticality Safety Program... The Effect of Implicit Self-Shielding on the Inverse Sensitivity/Uncertainty Method for Thermal Reactors... Integral Benchmark Experiments in the Inverse Sensitivity/Uncertainty Computations 235U Resolved Resonance Evaluation for Benchmark Calculations in the Intermediate Energy Region Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page ›› Last page Last » Organizations Fusion and Fission Energy and Science Directorate Nuclear Energy and Fuel Cycle Division Nuclear Data, Criticality Safety, and Radiation Transport Section Nuclear Data Group