Louise G Evans Senior R&D Scientist Contact 865.241.2639 | evanslg@ornl.gov All Publications Safeguards for the Lithium Fluoride Thorium Reactor: A Preliminary Nuclear Material Control and Accounting Assessment Safeguards Technology for Thorium Fuel Cycles: Research and Development Needs Assessment and Recommendations Absolute Branching Ratios of Prominent γ Rays Following α Decay of 233U Planning for Material Control and Accountancy at Liquid-Fueled Molten Salt Reactors Neutron Coincidence Measurements of Uranium-233 Oxide Real-Time Inventory Change Detection for the Protactinium Decay Inventory of the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor Quantifying the Impact of New Data Streams and Methods using a Mission-Relevant Framework... Gamma-ray signatures for identifying plutonium content changes in Molten Salt Reactors... Development of a Neutron List Mode Collar (LMCL) and List Mode Response Matrix Analysis Concept Molten Salt Reactor Signatures and Modeling Study... Nuclear data uncertainty challenges in Molten Salt Reactor safeguards Development and evaluation of a list mode neutron coincidence collar for spatial response measurements of fresh fuel assemblies Updates to Relevance Vector Machine Polychotomous Classification, Variable Selection, and Proof-of-Concept Application to List Mode Neutron Collar Data Machine Learning Approaches for Nuclear Material Accounting Data from Irradiation and Reprocessing Dynamic System Models for Informing Licensing and Safeguards Investigations of Molten Salt Reactors – Revision 1 Transformative Data Analytics Capabilities for Nuclear Forensics and Safeguards Safeguards Challenges and Safeguards Technology Needs Assessment for Leading Thorium Fuel Cycles Molten Salt Reactors and Associated Safeguards Challenges and Opportunities Verification Data Pattern Recognition and Change Detection at the Neutron Instrument Level Using the JCC-71 neutron coincidence collar as a benchmark for detector characterization with PTR-32 list mode data acquisition Safeguards Challenges for Molten Salt Reactors... Advanced Neutron Counting Electronics Designed and Implemented on the JCC-71 Neutron Coincidence Collar to Replace Standard JAB-01 Preamplifier/Amplifier/Discriminator Boards Validation and uncertainty quantification of detector response functions for a 1″×2″ NaI collimated detector intended for inverse radioisotope source mapping applications List Mode Response Matrix for Advanced Correlated Neutron Analysis for Nuclear Safeguards Defining a Research Agenda for Advanced Fuel Cycle Safeguards: A Focus on Thorium ... Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links ORCID Organizations National Security Sciences Directorate