Baohua Gu Corporate Fellow Contact | 865.574.7286 All Publications A hidden demethylation pathway removes mercury from rice plants and mitigates mercury flux to food chains Plastispheres as hotspots of microbially-driven methylmercury production in paddy soils Adsorption and intracellular uptake of mercuric mercury and methylmercury by methanotrophs and methylating bacteria... Light-independent phytoplankton degradation and detoxification of methylmercury in water Dissolved Elemental Mercury [Hg(0)aq] Reactions and Purgeability in the Presence of Organic and Inorganic Particulates Inhibition of Methylmercury and Methane Formation by Nitrous Oxide in Arctic Tundra Soil Microcosms... Sonochemical oxidation and stabilization of liquid elemental mercury in water and soil... Methylmercury Degradation by Trivalent Manganese... High methylation potential of mercury complexed with mixed thiolate ligands by Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA... Mechanistic insights into sulfate and phosphate-mediated hexavalent chromium removal by tea polyphenols wrapped nano-zero-val... Simulated Hydrological Dynamics and Coupled Iron Redox Cycling Impact Methane Production in an Arctic Soil... Mercury transformation processes in nature: Critical knowledge gaps and perspectives for moving forward... A consensus protocol for the recovery of mercury methylation genes from metagenomes... Contrary effects of phytoplankton Chlorella vulgaris and its exudates on mercury methylation by iron- and sulfate-reducing ba... Quantifying pH buffering capacity in acidic, organic-rich Arctic soils: Measurable proxies and implications for soil carbon degradation Unravelling biogeochemical drivers of methylmercury production in an Arctic fen soil and a bog soil... Mercury Reduction, Uptake, and Species Transformation by Freshwater Alga Chlorella vulgaris under Sunlit and Dark Conditions... Isotopic discrimination of natural and anthropogenic perchlorate sources in groundwater in a semi-arid region of northeastern... Important Roles of Thiols in Methylmercury Uptake and Translocation by Rice Plants... REMOVABLE, SEQUESTRATION COATINGS FOR MITIGATING HAZARDOUS CONTAMINANTS RELATED TO DEACTIVATION AND DECOMMISSIONING ACTIVITIE... Demethylation─The Other Side of the Mercury Methylation Coin: A Critical Review... Origin of the isotopic composition of natural perchlorate: Experimental results for the impact of reaction pathway and initia... Competitive exchange between divalent metal ions [Cu(II), Zn(II), Ca(II)] and Hg(II) bound to thiols and natural organic matt... Evidence for methanobactin “Theft” and novel chalkophore production in methanotrophs: impact on methanotrophic-mediated m... Mechanistic Investigation of Dimethylmercury Formation Mediated by a Sulfide Mineral Surface Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 … Next page ›› Last page Last » Key Links Curriculum Vitae ORCID Organizations Biological and Environmental Systems Science Directorate Environmental Sciences Division Earth Systems Science Section Biogeochemical Dynamics Group User Facilities