For his seminal work on elucidating key molecular-scale mechanisms that govern biogeochemical transformation of contaminants, trace metals, and natural organic matter, which has made significant contributions to the understanding of natural organic and metal cycling in terrestrial ecosystems and remediation of contaminated sites, and also for his contributions to the development of the next generation of scientists and engineers.
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All Corporate Fellow summaries reflect the awardee and ORNL at the time the fellowship was awarded.
For outstanding scientific leadership in nuclear physics and foundational work in developing and applying nuclear density functional theory to atomic nuclei
For outstanding leadership and pioneering research in climate and the environmental sciences
For leadership and pioneering research in the fundamental effects of radiation on a broad range of metals and ceramics applicable to fission and fusion energy systems.
For pioneering research in ecosystem theory, ecological modeling, error analysis, hierarchy theory, and landscape ecology and for the development of basic applications in risk assessment and regional environmental analysis.
For pioneering work on energy conservation, including development of energy demand models, data bases, and analyses of energy use trends, which has contributed to federal and state energy policies and programs and to demand-side planning by electric utilities.
For contributions to nuclear data measurement, analysis, and applications, through determination and development of neutron-induced reaction cross sections, high-resolution neutron scattering, the nonlocal nuclear optical model, and uncertainty and covariance information