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Today, the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Reactors announced that its scientists have successfully completed their first full-scale simulation of an operating nuclear reactor.

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At the Climate Change Science Institute at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, researchers are helping accelerate development of a model that the climate science community depends upon to generate simulation data for periodic planetary assessments. Researchers from seven Department of Energy national lab...
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When four of the nation's most energy-efficient houses are sold, the new homeowners can opt to allow the research project to continue, providing additional data that could make houses of tomorrow even better. This would also enable researchers to compare simulated occupant effect...

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Nano-ribbons of silicon configured so the atoms resemble chicken wire could hold the key to ultrahigh density data storage and information processing systems of the future.
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When a storm knocks out power, among the first questions to be answered are how many people are affected and when electricity will be restored. Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Energy Awareness and Resiliency Standardized Services application, or EARSS, uses publicly available data and can help by sh...
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Data archived at Oak Ridge National Laboratory can now be more effectively discovered, used and tracked through a new research resource from Thompson Reuters. The data citation index allows researchers to better gauge the impact of their data by readily tracking the number of times those data ...
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Environmental researchers who investigate climate change, invasive species, infectious diseases, and other data-intensive topics can now benefit from easy access to diverse datasets through technology released today by the Data Observation Network for Earth, or DataONE.

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Using statistical analysis methods to examine rainfall extremes in India, a team of researchers has made a discovery that resolves an ongoing debate in published findings and offers new insights.
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Imagine an instrument that collects thousands of diffraction data points in days instead of months with the help of a cylindrical image plate detector and an intense polychromatic neutron beam. IMAGINE is the newest single crystal diffractometer being installed at the High Flux Isotope Reactor, and ...
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Jaguar, the nation's most powerful computer, is now connected to the Advanced Networking Initiative network, which allows users to move vast quantities of data in areas such as energy assurance, climate simulation and basic sciences.